Torch Light
Torch Light is a free preview of the powerful Torch Pro database. For bigger insights
and more powerful features, like watchlists, saved searches and exports,
try Torch Pro by requesting a free demo today.
Torch pro
Get more features with Torch Pro
Real-time geo-located Social Media and email communications coming from 1.6 million verified advocacy groups, foundations, elected officials, and individual activists and donors.
Saved Searches
Organize the influencers that matter to you. Hear what is said at any given moment by the most relevant thought leaders and mission-driven organizations.
Create fully-branded data dossiers with easy one-click exports that analyze your influencer feeds in Torch.
What can I do with
the Torch Platform?
Create Watchlists
Easily create watchlists to monitor and analyze digital
media outreach for a collection of organizations e.g.
Grantees, Donors, Coalition Groups, Opposition Groups.
Search within a Watchlist or subscribe to an email feed of
organizations communications with optional filter rules.
Discover & Build Coalitions
Search Torch, pin exemplary posts for review and export
and build a coalition in a Watchlist. Monitor thought
leaders via Torch and easily message your coalition via
E-mail and Twitter tools.
Advanced Control of Searches
Search digital content from the mission-driven world using
keywords, post type, date and geographic filters. Find local
or national organizations that care about the same issues
as you. Monitor how your peers are managing their digital
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